Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Reveals First Details on New Toy Line
Get the first details on the new Power Rangers Re-Ignition toy line
New Power Rangers Isekai Anime Shows Off Its Opening: Watch
The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World has finally debuted the anime’s opening and ending
This Isekai Anime Premiere Dodges the Genre’s Most Annoying Trends
The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer In Another World might finally be the isekai that saves the genre.
Power Rangers Artist Delivers Epic Mighty Morphin Movie Reimagining
Artist Carlos Dattoli reimagines the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie, costumes, Zords, and more
New Power Rangers Isekai Shows Off Its Own Anime Megazord: Watch
The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World has debuted with the anime’s own Megazord
A Sentai Legend Returns to Hype Power Rangers Isekai Anime: Watch
A popular Sentai ranger returns.
New Power Rangers Movie Reportedly in Development, and It’s a Complete Reboot
A new Power Rangers movie is reportedly in development, and it’s a complete reboot
Power Rangers and D&D Fans Freaking Out Over Rumors Elon Musk Could Buy Hasbro
Fans of Power Rangers and D&D are not taking the Elon Musk buying Hasbro possibility well at all
Dandadan Is Hiding a Secret Power Rangers Connection (& It’s Right Under Your Nose)
Dandadan is hiding a secret connection to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in the anime’s English dub, and it’s pretty funny