House of the Dragon Season 2 was light on the action but heavy on the intrigue. Most fans assumed that the first season was going to be the build-up to the Dance of the Dragons, and Season 2 would include multiple bloody battles between the Blacks and the Greens. However things went a different way, and now fans are looking forward to House of the Dragon Season 3 for some of the biggest moments in the war. Season 2 had its critics, so Season 3 needs to impress fans and get them behind the show again.
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The best way to do this is by including the climactic battles of the Dance of the Dragons. There are three that fit into the time period of the third season and if done correctly, could remind fans why they love spending time in Westeros.
WARNING: Spoilers below for House of the Dragon
The Battle of the Gullet
The Gullet is the entrance to Blackwater Bay, the body of water that King’s Landing sits next to. In House of the Dragon, the Velaryon fleet blockaded the Gullet, cutting King’s Landing off from support from the sea. In the last episode of the second season, Tyland Lannister went to Tyrosh and was able to get the help of the Triarchy and Admiral Sharako Lohar. The season ended with the fleet sailing to the Gullet, ready to break the blockade of King’s Landing.
In the books, the battle saw the two fleets clash, with Jacaerys Targaryen leading the Blacks’ dragon into the battle as the Velaryon fleet tries to hold out against the power of the Triarchy’s fleet. The battle ended up going badly for both sides; the Velaryon fleet lost a third of its strength and Jacaerys is killed in the battle. The Tyroshi fleet didn’t come out much better, losing all but 62 of the 90 ships they sailed out with. They were still able to attack Driftmark, seat of the Velaryons, and Spicetown, sacking both. Everyone expected House of the Dragon Season 2 to include this battle, so it’s a must for Season 3.
The Sack of Bitterbridge
The end of Season 2 of House of the Dragon introduced several dragons and new characters, including Daeron Targaryen, the youngest child of Viserys I and Alicent. Daeron Targaryen spent his early life in Oldtown with his Hightower family, but joins his Targaryen relatives to help even up the dragon odds with the Blacks. After Rhaenyra and her forces take King’s Landing, Daeron is considered the greatest threat to her rule, his dragon Tessarion and Hightower army forcing the surrender of the Shield Islands, House Oakheart, and House Rowan.
In the books, Daeron’s nephew Maelor, the youngest child of Aegon II and Helaena, is killed at Bitterbridge and Daeron unleashes his army on the castle, giving no mercy to House Caswell. Maelor isn’t in the show, but the Sack of Bitterbridge is an extremely important part of the Dance of the Dragons. There are other ways to make it work, and it would be awesome to see. It’s Daeron’s most infamous act. If the show wants to sell just how dangerous he is, including the Sack of Bitterbridge is the best way to show non-book readers that Daeron means business.
The Battle Above the Gods’ Eye
Daemon Targaryen and his nephew Aemond Targaryen are two sides of the same coin. Each of them is the most feared member of their faction. Daemon was the more experienced of the two, having won the War for the Stepstones. Daemon was considered something of a loose cannon, and his dragon Caraxes was fierce and battle-hardened. Aemond seemed to pattern himself after his uncle and became known for his ruthlessness and tactical skill, helping Criston Cole plan many of the Greens’ successful battles. Aemond is the rider of the oldest and most powerful dragon, Vhagar, and killed Rhaenys Targaryen. In the show, Aemond was also responsible for injuring his brother Aegon II, taking the throne while he convalesced. The second season saw both of them flirt with turning against their monarchs; Daemon decided against it, bringing the Riverlands under Rhaenyra’s banner, while Aemond’s betrayal of his brother sees him in charge of the Greens.
Aemond is driven out of King’s Landing by Rhaenyra, and begins the burning of the Riverlands. Daemon decides to try to stop him and challenges the headstrong young dragonrider, waiting for him Harrenhall. After 14 days, Aemond arrives. The two have one last face-to-face conversation before mounting their dragons and beginning the duel. In the books, it is said that is one of the most magnificent battles ever, with the two skilled warriors going at each other with everything they have. The ending is just as epic as the rest of the battle, with Daemon jumping up off Caraxes and impaling Aemond through his good eye as the two dragons fall into the Gods Eye, a massive lake.
This is the coolest battle of Dance of the Dragons and is the perfect way to end Season 3. The Battle Above the Gods’ Eye is exactly what Season 3 needs to make the naysayers forget about their disappointment with the second season.