Fantastic Four #13 Review: Jailhouse Ragnarok
If you aren’t reading this series yet, I don’t know what else to tell you. As a fan of the FF, […] -
Miracleman #13 Review: Now Is the Winter of Our Discontent
This review is part of an ongoing series composed by an individual who has never before read the […] -
Flash Gordon #6 Review: Blessed Be Flash Gordon
It is always a pleasure to read a comic where you can tell the creative team is just having a […] -
Review: The Fantastic Four 2014 Annual Is Everything An Annual Should Be
This is what an annual should be! Wow, I have to say that I am really impressed with this comic. […] -
The Week in Reviews: The Shadow and The Adventures of Superman
There were a lot of exciting comics produced this week, and while we often don’t run very many […] -
Fantastic Four #7 Review: Robinson Rocks the Retcon
I was hesitant to put the term “retcon” in that title for what I think are obvious reasons. In […] -
Marvel’s Miracleman #8: Trading Filet of Alan Davis for Ground Chuck
This is slightly depressing. Reading through the Miracleman series, I’ve been impressed at its […] -
Flash Gordon #3 Review: Dude-Bro of the Universe
Let me get this straight right off the bat, I really enjoy this series.Every issue, though […] -
Original Sin #5 Suffers From Middle Chapter Syndrome, But Still a Solid Read
Out today from Marvel Comics, Original Sin #5 suffers a bit from middle-chapter syndrome.Not […] -
Exclusive Guardians of the Galaxy Comic Review: Rocket Raccoon #1
This week sees the launch of Rocket Raccoon and The Legendary Star-Lord, two new titles that […]