Marvel Announces Wolverine and Kitty Pryde Series From Legendary X-Men Writer
Wolverine and Kitty Pryde are revealing an unknown chapter of their shared history.
Marvel’s New Ultimate Wolverine Brutally Kills His Closest Friend on the X-Men
Nightcrawler is the first victim on Ultimate Wolverine’s hit list.
Marvel Reveals Wolverine’s Ultimate Form (and It’s Terrifying)
The Ultimate Wolverine is unleashed.
Wolverine #400: Marvel Teases Surprise Return From Logan’s Past in Milestone Issue
Wolverine #8 (legacy #400) promises shock twists and a surprise return from Logan’s past… who might be Wolverine’s secret son.
10 Wolverine Stories Perfect for MCU Fans
These are the perfect Wolverine stories for MCU fans who want more of the ol’Canucklehead.
You Can Thank Tom Cruise for Hugh Jackman Starring as Wolverine in X-Men
A scheduling issue was reportedly the deciding factor in getting Jackman the job.
Deadpool/Wolverine #1 Review – A Delightfully Chaotic Marvel Team-Up
Read our full review of Marvel’s Deadpool Wolverine #1
Wolverine’s Son Just Became the New Hellverine
Daken has become the new Hellverine, but his actions may doom the world.